The normative order analogy of cosmology and politics
Cosmological Order, Political Order, Dialectics of Nature and Collectivity, Analogy of Nature and CollectivityAbstract
This study aims to analyze the relationship between nature as a biophysical space and collectivity as a social space in the context of the normative and analogical cosmological and political order. In the study where the qualitative research method was used, philosophy and cultural anthropology literature, especially science and political philosophy, were used. Nature, the subject of cosmology, is a biophysical habitat that determines the material conditions and possibilities of human existence. Collectivity, which is the subject of politics, is a social habitat that determines humans' intellectual and action conditions. In this context, cosmology offers theoretical knowledge of nature; politics also offers theoretical knowledge of collectivity. Theoretical understanding of nature and collectivity is not independent of each other and is not the product of paradigmatic thought. This paradigmatic thought is the construction of an individual's search for order in their own existence. Therefore, cosmology and politics emerge as different forms of a paradigmatic theory of order. Accordingly, there is a normative and analogical order relationship between nature and collectivity based on paradigmatic truths and principles. This relationship, which emerges as a dialectic, also has a historical and anthropological dimension. The dialectical, historical, and anthropological dimensions of this relationship are discussed.
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